Departments Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Department of General Linguistics, Classical Philology and Neohellenistic Studies Department of Foreign Literature Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculties of History and Philosophy Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculties of Mathematics Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculties of Natural Sciences Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculties of Psychology and Sociology Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculties of Chemistry and Physics Department of History of Ukrainian Literature, Literary Theory and Literary Creativity Department of Methods of Teaching Ukrainian and Foreign Languages and Literatures Department of Languages and Literatures of the Middle and Near East Department of Languages and Literatures of the Far East and Southeast Asia Department of Polonistics Department of Romance Philology Department of East Slavic Philology and Information and Applied Studies Department of Slavic Philology Department of Stylistics and Language Communication Department of Theory and Practice of Translation from English Mykola Zerov Department of Theory and Practice of Translation from Romance Languages Department of Turkic Studies Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics Department of Ukrainian Philology for Foreign Citizens Department of Folklore Studies